The Sarasota Art Center held four different exhibitions in its gallery and held an opening reception from 6 to 8 pm today. One of them shows a selection of works by Sarasota artist George Papas who died earlier this year. The exhibition displays a series of mixed media abstract paintings. The cen
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Characteristics of Steel Fear, Part 5
This seven-part series compares the military thriller "Steel Fear" (Steel Fear) co-authored by John David Mann and SOFREP founder Brandon Webb.
When the coronavirus pandemic began, the museum was closed and the project was shelved. Now that the health crisis seems to be waning — and after the racial reckoning after the murder of George Freud — the museum is rejuvenating with a special focus: diversity, fairness, and inclusiveness.
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Special pans and fancy gadgets are fun and tempting, but home bakers only need a few basic parts to solve most recipes.
Simple and clear is the best. Spend your money wisely and invest in sturdy, well-made works that can be used for years. Hi
The cool and rainy autumn weather is a tedious pain for some people, but it produces the tenderest, juicy and delicious kale I have ever grown. Last time I made a kale dish for dinner, I cooked sliced onions and shiitake mushrooms in butter in my large pot, then added freshly washed chopped
In the spirit of the holiday, consumers accept the excess, whether it is a large number of gifts or a sumptuous dinner plate. This Christmas, many people reconsidered their holiday traditions to support more sustainability and introduce more earth-friendly options. According to a new poll conduct
Image courtesy of Giertz Gallery on Parkland College Facebook
Author: Alexis Ramirez, Special Writer December 9, 2021
Lisa Costello, director of the Parkland College Art Gallery, said she has always been concerned about the way people pick up different cups. She said that you can le